The phenomena of stress in life appears to be increased at present for many people.
It has been found that what we pay attention to increases the intensity of our emotion.
While challenge pervades most days, at the same time as good experiences are also happening, our attention can be drawn to either, and we can immerse in as if it’s the only thing happening.
Our propensity to engage, creates the emotional experience of either, so we can find ourselves in distress or joy without a sense of control.
I suggest slowing our breath, in and out through the nose intermittently throughout the day for ten to twenty breaths at a time to help correct your level of stress into calm and mindful so you can then choose where to place your attention instead of it staying in automatic pilot stress mode.
Looking up or at the horizon helps the intense focus to break attention and relax your brain into present awareness and coming back to choice of focus and attention.
Do this often and slow your breath into deeper areas of your lungs, as I mentioned.
Taking control of our emotional state practices us into improving self management and health.
Emotional management is a skill, and with over 25 years of coaching, I have witnessed clients transform their life into healthy, joyful, powerful experiences rather than stressed and anxious ones.
It’s vital to decide which experience you prefer.